"Beethoven's Wig " (請自行配上"命運"的音樂,試唱看看 ---音樂考試喔~呵呵)
Beethoven's Wig ......is very big
Beethoven's wig is long and curly and it's white
Beethoven takes his wig off when he sleeps at night
Because it's big
It's very big
Beethoven's wig ~is ~ big !
It's really big!!
Beethoven's wig is heavy when he takes a walk
His wig is even bigger than the wig of Bach
It is tremendous it is stupendous
It is gigantic and titanic
Monumental and colossal
And enormous and humongous
Cause it's big it's really big
It's very big it's mighty big Beethoven's Wig
It's oh so wide you'll need a guide
To see each side it's really big
It's grandiose don't get too close you'll overdose
Because it's big. Big!
Beethoven's Wig is big!
It's stylish and it's handsome
It costs a small king's ransom
Five hundred bucks and then some
But the hair's so long and flowing
That the wig seems like it's growing
And it keeps his face from showing
Poor Beethoven's wig needs mowing
Cause Beethoven's wig is big
Beethoven's wig is very big it's oh so big
It's filled with goo it's such a problem to shampoo
It's really very, very big
Beethoven's wig is very big, it's awful big
It's such a mess it even has it's own address
Beethoven's wig
It's such a mop he should stop at the barbershop
It's way too big
His mother called she said he would look better bald
Because it's big it's very big. Beethoven's wig!
說到這捲交響樂CD,是可以卡拉OK(SING ALONG)的,因為有一位天才(?)給很多古典音樂都配上最新,最滑稽的歌詞.媽媽最欣賞的歌詞是這首命運,還有柴可夫斯基的1812 OVERTURE(Tchaikovsky's Cannonball ),樂曲裡,真的大炮聲加上突梯滑稽的對白,當講到:大砲打到音樂廳七樓,大家倉皇而逃時,媽媽又是在車裡笑的擦眼淚,抱著肚子叫好痛~(試聽也是按這裡)
小熊呢?他最喜歡的是海頓的"驚愕交響曲"Haydn's Great Surprise (Surprise Symphony, Haydn) ,經過媽媽跟他講解(為了嚇醒愛打瞌睡的貴族),現在小熊都會假裝自己也睡著了,然後被很大聲的"蹦"!給嚇的跳起來....連聽10幾遍都不無聊!
原來聽古典音樂,也可以很有趣有創意?我想小熊一輩子都不會忘記Haydn's Great Surprise ;我也很想看看真實的貝多芬假髮,是不是真的需要割草機來處理一下?
強力推薦給喜歡音樂的大小孩與小小孩! 哈哈...呼呼....